Tips for a Healthy eating in Real Life

Healthy eating is something that is rarely discussed in polite society. One rarely hears the words healthy eating with anyone over the age of thirty in polite society. This is due in no small part to the very damaging effects of modern food production and distribution, coupled with the scientifically based fact that an entire generation has simply forgotten what eating should really be like.

1. Use fresh foods.

This is essential; the fresher, the better. Preferably the newer, the more, the better. Fresh foods can be cooked in two ways: cooked fresh or cooked fresh but kept in the refrigerator after cooking. All casseroles and casserole dishes should be cooked fresh and kept cold until used. Puree and milk must be refrigerated after cooking and are unsuitable for freezing.

2. Eat from three food groups.

For every three portions of fresh food, one must eat fresh vegetables. For every three fresh vegetables, one must eat fresh fruit. For every three fresh fruit, one must eat new dairy products. For every three fresh dairy products, one must eat fresh meat. For every three fresh meat products, one should eat fresh fish. All fresh meat products must be fresh, living, and aged to the standards ordained by the FDA.

3. Choose smart foodstuffs.

For every fresh food, there is a wise food for it. This is generally meat, dairy, vegetables, and fruits. This maxim results from observation and study of the world around one. Also, the adage requires no medical training.

4. Stop eating red meat.

Red meat and sugar are the only foods that can contain enough calories to overcome the body's reactions to sugar and red meat without any other nutrients. However, it is important to note that all red meats and sugar are not the same regarding calories and fats. Continue to practice moderation and avoid excess.

5. Monitor workouts.

Every Monday, the subject of this story underwent his first workout of the week with the athletic coach. This involved a half an hour workout on a treadmill, one explicitly designed for use by cardiac patients. The subject was a healthy man who was only overweight because of his ridiculous diet.

6. Track your diet.

This can be done with a simply written journal, a small notebook that comes with the cell phone, or the old-fashioned way, on a piece of paper. All three work.

7. Adopt an intelligent attitude.

Every afternoon the subject of this story spent an hour in his garden. Working in the park has a beneficial effect on the metabolism as well as providing exercise, which means that exercise is not a chore but simply an enjoyable part of the day.

8. Remember the basics of nutrition.

Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Eat, on average, two portions of dairy products a day. When eating fruit and vegetables, one should remember the golden circle rule; eat around the outside, then the middle, and finally the core of the fruit or vegetable.

9. Watch your energy.

People with high energy levels burn more calories and lose more weight. When their energy levels are too low, they lose too much weight, and their energy levels decrease even further. The subject of this story was a man whose energy levels fluctuated dramatically, and it was very important to him to keep the right amount of energy on level during his diet to lose weight safely.

10. Exercise like an athlete.

The subject of this story was a middle-aged man with a history of obesity and poor eating habits. The athletic coaches knew he would benefit from a low-calorie diet, so they drew up a low-calorie exercise regime for him. This involved keeping a close eye on his health and well-being and being ready to act quickly when his health took a dip.


The reason for a healthy diet is that it is a good idea to live a long and healthy life. To live a long and healthy life, one must eat a healthy diet, and living a healthy life is an added bonus because it prolongs the subject's life and makes them feel better about themselves. However, a healthy lifestyle does not need to be difficult. There are many simple things one can do to lead a healthy lifestyle.
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